Best rate guaranteed

Castle Concerts 

At Kasteel Daelenbroeck  you can discover the unique experience of the Castle Concerts. These are concerts by talented musicians playing classical music with the unique acoustic experience of our castle walls. These concerts are held  every last Sunday of the months of September through March. The concerts start at 12.15. 
You can expand your concert visit and make it a weekend getaway with one of our packages. For more information on these packages please visit our packages page.  

Tickets & reservation 

Subscribe to the entire series of concerts for 90,00 on or by transferring the sum to the following bank account: NL 19 RABO 017 41 14 907 under name of Stichting Kasteelconcerten Landgoed Kasteel Daelenbroek te Herkenbosch. Please mention your name and address in this transfer. 
Separate tickets 
Separate tickets can be ordered via or 18,00 (or 5,00 for children

For further information: 
E-mail : or call 0475 – 537773 
E-mail: or call 0475 – 532809 
E-mail: or call 0475 - 532575